We’ve assembled an extensive listing of links to local government and community websites for you to discover and learn more about the beautiful Fox River Valley.
Chambers of Commerce
Batavia Chamber of Commerce
Geneva Chamber of Commerce
St. Charles Area Chamber of Commerce
Cities & Towns
City of Batavia the city government site
City of Geneva the city government site
St. Charles city website with town overview and lots of links
Community Guides
OntheFox.com A guide to dining and shopping in the Fox Valley
Economic Information
Batavia Chamber of Commerce
Batavia Mainstreet dedicated to promoting the downtown
Downtown St. Charles Partnership dedicated to promoting the downtown
Geneva Chamber of Commerce
Geneva Economic Development Kane County Census Demographics
St. Charles Area Chamber of Commerce
Local History
Batavia Historical Society
DigitalPast is a really cool site where you can look up historical photos
Geneva Historical Society
History & Genealogy of Kane County, Illinois
St. Charles History Museum
St Charles Public Library – Historical Buildings Good links to many buildings
Mapquest, Mapblast, Zip2 Type an address to get a map, directions, etc.
Sidwell Mapping Co. has all the plats of the Chicago and Fox Valley area available online
Spaceimaging.com See a neighborhood from a satellite or see the topographic map
Terraserver is another satellite imaging website
Depot Museum in Batavia
Fabyan Villa Frank Lloyd Wright remodeled home to tour
Fox River Trolley Museum Enjoy a trolley ride along the Fox River
Garfield Farm Living history is recreating
St. Charles History Museum
Scitech Aurora’s hands on science museum
The Beacon News, serving Aurora and the tri-cities
The Chicago Tribune
The Chicago Sun-Times
The Daily Herald The newspaper that covers all of the Western Suburbs
Kane County Chronicle The local paper for the tri-cities
Area Weather
Digital City: Chicago
Weather Forecast by Intellicast
Forest Preserves
Kane County Forest Preserve has many diverse preserves to enjoy
DuPage County Forest Preserve in neighboring DuPage County
Park Districts
Batavia Park District
Fox Valley Park District
Geneva Park District
Team Sports
Chicago Freeze Geneva’s new minor league hockey team,
Kane County Cougars Geneva’s very popular family outing to see minor league baseball
DuPage Convention and Visitors Bureau
Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory
Fox River Biking Trail Map
Illinois Golf Courses Summary
Illinois Prairie Path more area biking and hiking trails
Kane County Flea Market famous Marketplace event and other fairgrounds activities
The Morton Arboretum
Snowboard Park Yes, Kane County even has a snowboard park
Villa Olivia Resort And, yes, there is even skiing and golfing
Local Conservation Organizations
Campaign for Sensible Growth
Chicago Wilderness Magazine
Conservation Easements
The Conservation Foundation
Nature Conservancy
State of Illinois Recreation
Illinois Links a good summary of links
Illinois Department of Natural Resources
Illinois State Parks Information from the Department of Natural Resources
Inside Illinois good overview of activities and events all over Illinois
Trail Monkey Overview of Illinois State Parks and some additional information on Illinois Outdoors
Batavia Renaissance Project an organization devoted to promoting the arts
Chicago Botanic Garden
First Street Playhouse Batavia’s intimate theater in the round
Hemmens Cultural Center in Elgin
Paramount Arts Center historic Aurora theatre has many diverse offerings
Steel Beam Theatre is an intimate theater in St. Charles
Colleges & Universities
Aurora University
Elgin Community College
Waubonsee Community College
Schools – Private
Aurora Christian Academy
Elgin Academy
Illinois Math and Science Academy
Marmion Abbey & Academy Montessori Academy
Schools – Public
Batavia Public Schools
Geneva Public Schools
St. Charles Schools
Chicago Transit Authority
Metra commuter train system
Pace bus system
The Regional Transportation Authority
AT&T Home Page Cable Television Service
BATV-43 Batavia’s local cable access station
Community of Batavia Illinois
City of Geneva Utilities
Northern Illinois Gas (NICOR) serves all the tri-cities
SBC Telephone service
The Weatherization Pages good “how-to” information for weatherizing your home